Thursday, March 10, 2011

the ones who sit up into the night

and i noticed that it was a trend, that we were so successful and one of the things that we did well was to use everyone's energy in a logical and positive way. and since those two ideas might be too abstract, i will explain - we took advantage of the energy of most of the people, really, for the benefit of pretty much everyone, and the energy we took was enough for everyone to have some, and we usually had a spot for everyone.

for example, the old folks.

they led the charge of those who sit up into the night. in a dim place, with a low bulb and shadows, or a dimmed camp fire or cook fire, or some permutation thereof. hunched, sitting proudly, placidly, leaned back, cocked over tilting. dim eyed or glittering, eyes fixed at nothing or something quite in particular. hot beverages and at least rudimentary food stuff near at hand, at any hour really.

many of them had shuffled off sleep, and sat up into the night in lit places, sometimes all alone, but with a spot next to them for anyone to slide into: book into a shelf. and there was talking or not, but easy companionship for another of the owls who sits up at night.

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