Monday, February 27, 2012

An open letter to Pastor Steve Riggle of Grace Community (mega)Church

I would with all greatest respect direct my request towards Pastor Steve Wriggle.

I understand that you have your own convictions regarding the right of adults to live in blessed love with one another, but once a church gets into the political business by discouraging a mayor's First Amendment rights to free speech, that church should consider giving up its protected, tax-exempt status. Attempting to use one's churchly position to pressure Houston mayor Annise Parker regarding the consensual rights of adults in this wonderful country is downright abusive of the faith and authority which so many have invested in the leaders of their spiritual community.
I certainly hope that you will remember the Christ who showed his love to those most scorned in a society and do the most uplifting works in that name. There is much charity to be done before infringing upon the rights of others.

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