Tuesday, June 29, 2010

two beautiful songs

I heard two of the most beautiful songs I'd ever heard today, back to back, on my way to work, courtesy of 88.7 KUHF. I do miss my radical Portland radio - especially the Africa show, with a dj named Dragonfly. But!
But I grew up on KUHF, it was kind of my bread and butter. I don't know why, but for some reason, when I was a kid, it seemed reasonable that a child should like classical music, and I obliged. There was another classical station at the time and I was willing to listen to either, though any talking usually drove me nuts. Now, I listen to KUHF for the talking, as it's either NPR or BBC. However, on occasion, they oblige with a completely amazing piece of music, and today, they gave me two.

The first was a Vivaldi piece. I've long been partial to Vivaldi, but this piece featured bassoon, which strikes me in so many ways. I was a brass player for a while (Okay, about 10 years, and it's mostly faded from my memory; much like my high school German. Save for that I've got no desire to play trumpet after a couple of hefeweizen bier but I'm still willing to try German/French/Spanish) but woodwinds always have had a fascination for me. Add to that the fact that the person with whom I was enamored from approximately first grade to my senior year in high school ended up playing the bassoon and I was heartily loving the piece. Below is the largo section only, but from my vague memory (before my mind was totally blown by the New York Polyphony piece) the concluding bit was rather jaunty. The concluding allegro is quite worth a listen but is being uncooperative at the moment.

This, though, from a group I actually heard discussed on NPR a few weeks ago: New York Polyphony. Nothing could do it justice save for the song. It was the most beautiful moment of the day. I didn't see the video and don't know that I will watch it now, but the sound is incredible.

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